If you are experiencing issues with playback, such as playback not working, short playback times, or intermittent playback, it may be due to problems with the storage card, insufficient storage space, or corrupted files. Follow the steps below to troubleshoot and resolve these issues.
Possible Causes:
- Storage card failure
- Insufficient storage space
- Corrupted files
Troubleshooting Steps:
1) Check Recording Settings:
- Ensure that the recording settings are set to continuous recording or alarm recording, rather than event-triggered recording.
2) Format Storage Space:
- Delete unnecessary recording files to free up storage space. Some storage cards do not support automatic recycle recording, so manual formatting of the storage card may be necessary.
3) Power Cycle the Camera:
- Power off the camera and remove the SD card. After a few moments, reinsert the SD card and power the camera back on.
4) Replace the SD Card:
- Try using a different storage card to see if the issue persists. Sometimes, the problem may be with the card itself.
5) Contact Technical Support:
- If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact our technical support team. Provide the device model and a detailed description of the problem.
If you need further assistance, our technical support team is here to help.